Dear Folks,
For the past several years, the Orthodox-Reformed Bridge blog site has been relatively quiet. I have been quite busy with my professional responsibilities. I do my blog writing on the side when I find the time. I remain committed to the mission of the blog which is to serve as a bridge between the Reformed and Evangelical traditions, and Orthodoxy. During my hiatus/hibernation, I continued to follow the conversation between Protestants and Orthodox. I took notes and did some writing when I found the time.
One reason for the hiatus was because I was not certain how often I would be posting, and I did not want readers to be frustrated waiting for the next blog posting. This problem was solved when a friend of mine helped me install a new feature: the subscribe button.
Unlike some blogs that post articles frequently, I post articles when I am satisfied with the quality of writing and research behind the article. Just recently, I installed a new feature to this blog: the subscription button (see SUBSCRIPTION right underneath HOME. If you want to be alerted to new blog postings, I urge you to sign up.
The aim of the OrthodoxBridge is to help Protestants and Evangelicals discover Orthodoxy. It also seeks to address questions and concerns inquirers may have about Orthodox beliefs and practices. We seek to engage people in the spirit of charity and civility. We desire to avoid harsh polemics and uncivil discourse.

In light of the fact that apologetics articles tend to stir up the passions, I have decided to hold off on posting articles until after Pascha (Orthodox Easter). During this season of Lent, our focus should be on repentance and deepening our prayer life in order to unite ourselves to Christ. I close with this prayer by Saint Ephraim the Syrian:
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen. [Source]
Robert Arakaki
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