Gavin Ortlund holding Theophan the Recluse’s Preaching Another Christ
A Response to Gavin Ortlund’s “Before You Become Orthodox”
On 28 October 2024, Protestant apologist Gavin Ortlund uploaded a podcast “Before You Become Orthodox.” In the podcast, he reads aloud excerpts from Theophan the Recluse’s book Preaching Another Christ and makes comments and observations with his readings. His primary concern is to warn Protestant inquirers about Orthodoxy’s supposed narrow, exclusive understanding of salvation.
Ortlund’s quick, one second flash of the book at the 3:24 mark was unfortunate, if not telling. Nor did he offer information or encourage interested viewer to acquire their own copy of the book to read for themselves. This leaves his viewers dependent on his particular presentation of the book. It would have been better if he had encouraged viewers to read Theophan the Recluse’s book directly and decide if his own criticisms and concerns were fair and warranted. Due diligence requires that one check out the primary sources and not be reliant on secondary sources which can be biased.
The purpose of this blog posting is not to rebut Gavin Ortlund’s podcast, but to encourage Protestant inquirers to go beyond Gavin Ortlund’s YouTube channel and read Theophan the Recluse’s book for themselves directly.
This advice applies to other Orthodox books as well. Do not allow others to read for you. Or do your studying for you. My friend, David Rockett, vividly recalls how critical and wonderful it was to read Alexander Schmemann’s For The Life Of The World for himself, instead of just accepting his former Protestant pastors’ clips and assessment of the book. A good example of this principle in action were the Bereans in Acts 17. The Apostle Paul came preaching a controversial message that Jesus of Nazareth had fulfilled the Old Testament. Luke noted that the Bereans “examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11; emphasis added; NIV). The principle of investigating the Scriptures directly can be applied to other sources as well. Discernment is important with respect to the sources one uses. It is better to read the Church Fathers and Orthodox bishops like Theophan the Recluse than rely on popular blog sites and YouTube channels. If the Internet is like one gigantic media highway, blog sites are like billboards advertising goods and services. I view the OrthodoxBridge as a billboard directing lost and weary travelers where to get off the freeway and find nourishment and shelter in the Orthodox Church. This is why I have repeatedly urged inquirers to visit the Sunday services at a local Orthodox parish.

Come and See for Yourelf! Source
Below are two links where interested readers may obtain their own copy of the book. I plan to read the book and write a response article to Gavin Ortlund’s review of the book.
Becoming Orthodox is not something to be done in haste. Protestants and Evangelicals should take their time as they investigate Orthodoxy. They should read reliable sources like Theophan the Recluse who was a bishop of the Orthodox Church. It should be kept in mind that as important as it is to read books on Orthodoxy, it is more important to see Orthodoxy in practice, that is, in the Sunday morning Liturgy. Come and see!
Robert Arakaki
Holy Trinity Church Supplies
Gavin Ortlund. “YouTube video: “Before You Become Eastern Orthodox…” [36:08] Truth Unites 28 October 2024.
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