Koolau mountain range — Windward side of Oahu. Source
Dear Folks,
I am taking a blog vacation. I am using this as an opportunity to attend to other writing projects and to recharge my batteries. One of my writing projects involves a book manuscript based on some ideas presented on this blog.
Some blogs are written as quick peppy pick-me-ups, while others are intended to be academic pieces written to serve a long term purpose. The intent of this blog has been to explore issues and topics that intersect between the Reformed and Orthodox traditions. I invite you to reread my articles. Click on the tabs under the banner:
I also invite readers to suggest ideas for future articles. You can submit them as title ideas or in the form of questions in the Comment box.
There is an unspoken pressure in the blogosphere to produce content frequently and rapidly. A blogger can easily obsess about maintaining traffic and visits to the site. This kind of pressure is not conducive to spiritual well being. I am encouraged that other blog writers I admire are taking a break. I recommend the Rev. John Armstrong’s “Blog and My Public Life” and Pastor Trevin Wax’s “Taking a Break and Asking for Prayer.”
The Internet is a place where exciting conversations happens. It is also a place of intense pressure and seduction. To recover one’s inner equilibrium and the well being of one’s soul it is good to step away from the computer, step out into the sunlight, walk under the shade of the trees by flowing streams, spend time with friends and family, and to reflect on Scripture and turn to God in prayer.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in season
And whose leaf does not wither. (Psalm 1:2-3, NIV)
Thank you and God bless!
Robert Arakaki
🙂 we love you Robert…attend to your work…and
your soul brother.
Blessings! I totally understand.
Thank you!
Hi Robert,
I certainly enjoy reading your blog. You are thoughtful in everything you write. You are certainly above the average theological blog.
If you are looking for suggestions, I have a few:
John Calvin denied that Saint Peter was ever in Rome in his Commentary of the First Letter of Peter. It might be interesting to explore the historical evidence.
Calvin’s use of the Fathers is a topic I know little about. I read a book by Anthony Lane called ‘John Calvin: student of the fathers’ that is a series of essays that implies, despite the wishes of the author, that it was selective at best. Maybe a look at some of his examples would be good. I know there is a quote from the church historian Socrates about St. Spirydon in the Institutes about fasting that is way off.
I read a lot of misinformation about Cyril Lucaris. It would be valuable to look at his career in light of recent scholarship.
I hope your time away is going well. As a current Reformed believer I have benefited greatly from this blog and to see the journey of other people from the same background as I, is encouraging as I travel this road towards Orthodoxy.
An article I’d like to see would be a review of Rock and Sand by Josiah Trenham. What would be beneficial for me too would be to see perhaps a dialogue/discussion with a Reformed theologian with Father Josiah.
I’ll order the book and read it. There are others who suggested I review “Rock and Sand.” But I think you should make the same suggestion to Reformed theologians or bloggers. It would be very valuable to have a Reformed-Orthodox dialogue on Fr. Trenham’s book!