A Meeting Place for Evangelicals, Reformed, and Orthodox Christians

Year: 2013 (Page 9 of 14)

Is Conversion to Orthodoxy Escapist? A Response to Pastor Steven Wedgeworth


On 16 May 2013, The Calvinist International posted an article by Pastor Steven Wedgeworth: “Alexander Schmemann on Ecclesiastical Counter-Utopia.”  It is a curious article; apart from the one opening sentence by Pastor Wedgeworth, the rest of the blog posting consists of selections from a speech given by Fr. Alexander Schmemann in 1981 titled: “Between Utopia and Escape.”  I could be mistaken but it seems that the point Pastor Wedgeworth wants to convey via Father Schmemann is the warning that some people convert to Orthodoxy out a desire to “escape from the system” and “become weird.”  (As if the Reformed tradition doesn’t have its own representative “weirdos”! 🙂  )

Fr. Schmemann recounts,

And again, I am very well placed to know that, because, unfortunately, my religion, Eastern Orthodoxy, is very often identified as a provider of those kind of little mystical techniques which will satisfy the dropout’s heart for personal bliss out of The System(Emphasis added.)

Today, at Penn Station, a man whom I knew many years ago, approached me and said, “Hello, Father Schmemann.” And I said, “Who are you?” because he was dressed in a kind of black robe and was nearly stepping on his beard. Everything about him was peculiar, from his hair, to his strange hat…  He was probably playing a monk from Mt. Athos or something of that nature, but I knew he was born in Brooklyn. I know many converts to Orthodoxy who think that when they become Orthodox, they have to also become Russian monarchists, and think that the restoration of the Romanovs in Russia is the only condition for the world’s salvation.  (Emphasis added.)

Pastor Wedgeworth is attempting a bit of apologetics jiujutsu, utilizing the opponent’s force against him.  Father Schmemann enjoys the unusual status of being one of the Orthodox writers influential among Reformed Christians who want to deepen their spiritual roots by exploring the Liturgy and the early Church.  “Unfortunately,” Father Schmemann’s writings have often become the “gateway drug”—something much denied by his Protestant followers–leading Protestants to convert to Orthodoxy.  Apparently, Pastor Wedgeworth is attempting to stem the flow of converts by invoking the “great” Alexander Schmemann who warned against converting to Orthodoxy: “It’s escapist.  People who convert do so for shallow, immature reasons.”  The hidden subtext here seems to be: “You don’t have to go all the way and become weird.  You can take the more mature route of staying Protestant.”  That is, being ½ Orthodox and ½ Protestant.  Or is it being ¼ Orthodox, ¼ Anglican, ¼ Roman Catholic, and ¼ Reformed?  😉


It’s Not 1981 Anymore!

President Ronald Reagan

President Ronald Reagan

When Father Schmemann gave the talk “Between Utopia and Escape” in 1981, the United States of America was a very different country.  Ronald Reagan had just begun his presidency.  Back then, Protestantism was thriving and growing.  One could say that the 1970s and 1980s were the springtime of Evangelicalism.  Back then, Orthodoxy consisted mostly of small ethnic enclaves.  People drawn to Orthodoxy back then were often discouraged on the grounds that converting to Orthodoxy also entailed assuming the ethnic identity of that parish.



But in 1987 something happened that changed Orthodoxy in America.  Some two thousand former Evangelicals were welcomed into the Orthodox Church.  This bold action was taken by Metropolitan Philip, the Primate of the Antiochian Orthodox Church in America, with the approval of Patriarch Ignatius IV.  The people they welcomed were not fringe weirdos, but had roots in the Evangelical mainstream.  Many had been part of the leadership of the huge parachurch organization, Campus Crusade for Christ.  Many had studied at Evangelical institutions like Wheaton College, Moody Bible Institute, Dallas Theological Seminary etc.  Their journey to Orthodoxy has been described by the late Father Peter Gillquist in Becoming Orthodox.  See also Peter Gillquist’s Coming Home: Why Protestant Clergy are Becoming Orthodox.

The reception of the Evangelical Orthodox brought about a change in thinking.  Many began  to think that it was possible for one to convert to Orthodoxy without undergoing a change in ethnicity.  This change in thinking was facilitated by the Antiochian archdiocese’s commitment to evangelism and church planting.  This desire to reach out to the American mainstream was also shared by the Orthodox Church in America (the jurisdiction that Father Schmemann was part of).  Far from discouraging them, Father Schmemann encouraged them in their journey to Orthodoxy.  Peter Gillquist credits him with their becoming Orthodox (pp. 130-131).  This effectively refutes the point Pastor Wedgeworth tried to make in citing Father Schmemann.



Is Fleeing the Titanic Escapist?

Protestantism and Evangelicalism also underwent considerable changes since Alexander Schmemann issued his warning in 1981.  The 1980s was the peak of the evangelical renewal movements among the mainline denominations.  However, they were largely unsuccessful in reversing the trend towards avant garde doctrines and deviant sexual practices.  In addition, Protestant ecclesiology was turned on its head with the emergence of the mega churches, and Protestant worship became nearly unrecognizable under the onslaught of contemporary worship.  Conservative seminaries became fierce battlegrounds with disputes over evolution, inerrancy, the New Perspectives on Paul, critical hermeneutics, and patristics intruding on longstanding denominational distinctives that demarcated the interior boundaries of Evangelicalism.  Among these various movements there emerged the neo-Reformed movement which sought to reintroduce the rigor of the Reformed faith and Puritanism to popular Evangelicalism.  One of the irony of the neo-Reformed movement is that the Puritans who came to the New World were “weirdos” (Nonconformists) and “escapists” (who fled after failing to reform England).  Father Schmemann’s criticism cuts in both directions so one should beware of quoting him freely.

In many respects the growing stream of converts to Orthodoxy point to the interior collapse of Evangelicalism and Protestantism.  These are folks deeply committed to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  They are deeply distressed by the growing doctrinal disarray within Protestantism and are drawn to the historic faith of Orthodoxy.  They are also drawn to the stability and dignity of liturgical worship.  Many have been hesitant to convert to Orthodoxy because they know that it entails a break with their Protestant past and could cause pain for their loved ones.  It would be unfair to folks like these to insinuate that they want to “become weird” or that psychological factors prompted their conversion to Orthodoxy.

For many it was their devotion to the Bible as God’s inspired word that led them out of Protestantism into Orthodoxy.  In their study of Scripture many have had to wrestle with the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians which seems to teach not sola scriptura, but Holy Tradition:

So then brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.  (II Thessalonians 2:15).

Here Paul does not assign a superior status to his writings—which is what one would expect if Paul held to sola scriptura—but views oral and written tradition as having equal authority.  Furthermore, Paul’s teachings in II Timothy lend credence to apostolic succession.

What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus.  Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. (II Timothy 1:13-14)

The phrase “what you heard” is a reference to oral tradition.  When he wrote II Timothy towards the end of his life, the Apostle Paul could have instructed Timothy to collect and compile all his writings.  This would support the Protestant principle of sola scriptura, but instead we find Paul instructing Timothy to commit to memory the oral tradition and to pass on this tradition to others.  This traditioning process opens the door to the early Church.  Evangelicals who then studied the early church found themselves face to face with an early Christianity committed to the Apostles’ teachings and to Orthodoxy which has kept the Apostolic Tradition for the past two millennia.


My journey to Orthodoxy was a lot like fleeing the Titanic.  Having been a member of the mainline United Church of Christ (UCC) which has roots going back to Puritan New England I was in a good position to see the boat listing and taking on water.  The UCC had the reputation for being on the cutting edge of liberal theology.  As a church history major at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary I was able to study historical theology.  My research led me to conclude that much of Protestantism’s woes can be traced to the doctrine of sola scriptura.  I was fortunate to have learned about Orthodoxy and met former Evangelicals like Peter Gillquist.  Knowing that one could convert to Orthodoxy without relinquishing one’s cultural identity made it much easier for me.  As I stood on the railing of the sinking “Titanic,” I saw myself faced with the two options: (1) the two thousand years old Ark of Salvation (Orthodoxy) or (2) the myriad of small lifeboats from the “Titanic” (the splinter denominations).  I chose The Orthodox Ark. It had been around for the past 2,000 years. The antiquity and stability of the Ark of Orthodoxy stands in sharp contrast to the many tiny Protestant life boats made from bits and pieces of the sinking “Titanic.”

Many who convert to Orthodoxy do so out of the conviction that what the Orthodox Church teaches is consistent with Scripture and with the teachings of the early church fathers.  Peoples’ move to Orthodoxy has also been facilitated by the experience of the holy in the Liturgy.  Orthodoxy in America is going through a period of transition.  It is moving out of its ethnic ghettoes into the mainstream of American society.  All English liturgies are becoming more common.  As more and more Protestants and even Roman Catholics enter into Orthodoxy, it is going to be harder to use being weird or escapist as reasons for converting to Orthodoxy.

Robert Arakaki


Thank you!

Thank you!


Affirming the Ecumenical Early Church


First Ecumenical Council - Nicea AD 325

First Ecumenical Council – Nicea AD 325

On 29 April 2013 The Calvinist International posted Pastor Steven Wedgeworth’s provocative article: “The Myth of the Ecumenical Early Church.”

The “myth” or “misconception” that he seeks to debunk was that the pre-Nicene and Nicene church was “more or less united, both doctrinally and politically.”  He makes his case by arguing: (1) that the first Ecumenical Council (Nicea AD 325) did not produce doctrinal unity as evidenced by the multiplicity of subsequent regional councils, and (2) it was largely due to imperial intervention that the orthodox “homoousios” Christology prevailed.

Pastor Wedgeworth’s article is sure to draw the attention of those who hold in high esteem the Church Fathers and the Seven Ecumenical Councils.  This is especially the case for those who belong to the Orthodox Church.  Kallistos (Timothy) Ware in the Orthodox Church wrote:

Orthodoxy has always attached a great importance to the place of councils in the life of the Church.  It believes that the council is the chief organ whereby God has chosen to guide His people, and it regards the Catholic Church as essentially a conciliar Church. (p. 15)  (emphasis added)

He continues:

In the Church there is neither dictatorship nor individualism, but harmony and unanimity; its members remain free but not isolated, for they are united in love, in faith, and in sacramental communion.  In a council, this idea of harmony and free unanimity can be seen worked out in practice.  In a true council no single member arbitrarily imposes his will upon the rest, but each consults with the others, and in this way they all freely achieve a ‘common mind’. (p. 15) (emphasis added)

For such a sweeping and provocative thesis, Pastor Wedgeworth’s article is in my opinion rather undeveloped.  One undeveloped aspect has to do with theological and spiritual dimensions of church unity in the early period.  I expect that we will hear more from him on this in the future.  I hope that Pastor Wedgeworth will address the following questions:

  • How does he see Christ’s promise that the Holy Spirit guiding the Church into all truth (John 16:13) being fulfilled in the early Church?
  • Does Pastor Wedgeworth believe that the early Christians were faithful in holding to the teachings of the Apostles?  Or does he believe that the early Church ‘fell’ from the Apostolic faith either soon after the passing of the original Apostles or later with Emperor Constantine’s acceptance of the Church?
  • Which model of church unity does he hold to?  The Orthodox conciliar model?  The Roman Catholic papal monarchy?  Or the Protestant invisible church model?

Robin Phillips’ Affirmative Response

We are fortunate that Robin Phillips has written a response which was posted 10 May 2013 on Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy.  In it he calls into questions certain contentions made by Pastor Wedgeworth’s and attempts to provide an affirmative argument for the ecumenical early Church.  His article is just an initial response.  He hopes to provide a more in-depth response this coming summer.

The unity and orthodoxy of the early church is something that Christians from the Reformed and Orthodox traditions are concerned about.  I have reposted Robin Phillips’ response in its entirety so that we can have a discussion about the issues raised by Pastor Wedgeworth.  I thank him for generously granting me permission to repost his article. Readers are encouraged to read Pastor Wedgeworth’s article as well Robin Phillips’ in order to engage in a civil and reasoned discussion about the early Church.

The Ecumenical Early Church: A Reply to Pastor Wedgeworth — Robin Phillips

Steven Wedgeworth operates theWedgewords blog and is the Founder ofThe Calvinist International website. Last week he wrote a thought-provoking article for the Calvinist International website titled “The Myth of the Ecumenical Early Church.”
This summer I plan to interact with Wedgeworth’s article in my columns at The Colson Center. However, before doing that I thought it would be helpful to pen some initial responses here in order to solicit some feedback and to give Pastor Wedgeworth an opportunity to correct me in any areas where I may have misunderstood his article.
Anyone who has read Pastor Wedgeworth’s writings will be aware that he has drunk deeply from the wells of Walter Lowrie. This is reflected in Mr. Wedgeworth’s frequent contention that

  • There is no patristic theology of the Church, only various theologies.
  • The emperors essentially created Orthodoxy by deciding who was “in” and who was “out.” It was only through legislation that the external unity of the Church was preserved.
  • The only type of unity that existed was a local unity, to do with getting along with those next to you.
  • Even after the Council of Nicea, Arians (people who denied the divinity of Christ) comprised much of the official leadership of the Church.

The last point is crucial, because it suggests that the Arians and other heterodox groups had legitimate standing in the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, even after being officially condemned by the Council of Nicaea in 325. Instead of allowing the experience and consent of the Church over time to determine, retroactively, what the conceptual boundaries of the Church always were, this narrative places heretical sects on essentially the same footing as Nicene Christianity.

This is exactly the line Mr. Wedgeworth has taken in his recent article “The Myth of the Ecumenical Early Church.” He opens the article by disputing the use of the definite article before early Church. There is no such thing, he argues, as the early Church, and he seems to be uncomfortable referring to “ecumenical councils.” All we have is various churches, rival brands of Christianity competing for power. The only reason Nicene Christianity was considered ecumenical is because it was backed by Emperors.

Mr. Wedgeworth makes a lot out of the fact that the Nicene Creed took a few decades to be widely accepted and that it was only fully solidified through the Second Ecumenical Council at Constantinople (the convocation that produced the present Niceno-Constantinopolitan creed). He seems to treat it as a surprise that the councils sometimes took a long time to be widely recognized and he implies that it is a contested point that there were moments in time where it seemed that all was lost. Perhaps in the circles Wedgeworth moves there is a cardinal misunderstanding about these central facts of Church history, but frankly I have never read a book that presented the type of dehistoricized approach to creedal history that Wedgeworth has set himself up against.

The centerpiece of Wedgeworth’s article is a long list of numerous neo-Arian synods and confessions from the mid 4th century, proving that “the creed of Nicaea was an outsider.” Wedgeworth’s point is that the only type of ecumenical unity that existed was political and that the Emperor was the locus of Christian unity. Of course, many of the Emperors were heretics, so if it were true that the Emperor were the locus of Christian unity, then we must concede that there was never any real true Christian unity to begin with—which, I think, is precisely Pastor Wedgeworth’s point.

One problem with Pastor Wedgeworth’s view is that it is radically individualistic, for no historic Christian group has ever taught that the Emperor was the locus of Christian unity. The early Christians certainly did not think this way about their unity, as even a cursory read of St. Ignatius and St. Irenaeus will demonstrate. Rome teaches that the locus of Christian unity is and has always been the Bishop of Rome (who, by the way, was on the side of St. Athanasius), while the Orthodox Church sees the locus of Christian unity as the Faith itself and, by extension, therefore those bishops and laity who profess the true Orthodox faith at any given point of time. (Notice that the Orthodox Church does not believe Church unity to be located in a single, structural institution, despite the fact that many uninformed Protestants think the Orthodox believe this. The Orthodox Churches are unified in faith and in Eucharistic communion, but each autocephalous Church has its own structure and government.) But no group in the history of Christendom has ever taught that the Emperor was the true locus of Christian unity.

Now this does not, in itself, prove Wedgeworth’s thesis false. However, at a minimum it does suggest a certain strangeness that after nearly two thousand years of Church history we are only now in a position to appreciate the true nature of Christian unity as it existed in the apostolic Church.

Christians knew from earliest times that some separated themselves from the One Church thereby leaving the unity of the One Body of the One Christ.  By the fifth century there were already several groups who had so separated — Docetists, Gnostics, Marcionites, Montanists, Arians, Eunomians, Pneumatomachians, Nestorians, Monophysites, Monothelites, etc.  None of this disunity in Christendom broke the unity of the One Body of the Incarnate Christ. Nor does it imply that what unity did exist was a pseudo-unity generated by the contrivances of imperial politics.

Does this mean that there was always true ecumenical unity? It depends on what we mean byecumenical, and part of the problem with Wedgeworth’s article is that he equivocates on this central term. In the early Church (and I employ the definite article unashamedly) the term ecumenical was used to designate an imperially convoked synod. But it is also used to denote a theologically authorized synod binding on the Church. Pastor Wedgeworth only acknowledges the first meaning. But imperial convocation doesn’t make a synod binding on the Church; it just makes imperial officers and those on the imperial payroll obligated to adhere to it. What made councils such as Nicaea and Chalcedon binding on the Church was the fact that they were eventually recognized as being ecumenical in the second sense. That is, they were ecumenical to the degree that they were seen to define the boundaries of the universal, catholic faith/Church handed down by the apostles. Being allergic to ecumenism in this second sense, Pastor Wedgeworth has no difficulty referring to the Arian party as part of “the Church” without qualification.

The surprising ease with which reformed pastors like Wedgeworth (who are ostensibly theologically conservative) can stretch the category of “Church” to cover heretical sects that denied the deity of Christ might form the basis of an interesting sociological study. However, it isn’t really that surprising: should Pastor Wedgeworth acknowledge that the Arians actually constituted a heretical sect outside the boundaries of the apostolic Church, then the early Church begins to look much more unified than he wishes to allow.

With the perspective of the Church as a whole as it has been guided by the Holy Spirit over time, we should be able to look back and see that the Council of Nicaea and the councils which followed it were truly ecumenical. That is, they were truly inspired by God as marking out the boundaries, and therefore the unity, of the one holy, catholic and apostolic Church. The fact that it took time to recognize this, and that the Council of Constantinople had to clarify the Nicene Creed, is not a new revelation to anyone with even a cursory knowledge of Church history. No one disputes that ecumenical unity was a process back then as much as it is today. It has never been under dispute that it was only retroactively that many of these councils were ultimately recognized as being truly ecumenical and therefore binding. No one disputes that at the time of the ecumenical councils there was great confusion concerning the true faith, even among the faithful. And no one is saying that confused Arians in the 3rd and 4th centuries (before the boundary lines were fully recognized) were not Christian in some sense.

What I am suggesting, however, is that it would be very wrong for us to take as normative the confusion that existed then and appropriate it to ourselves now. Just because the process of solidifying the true faith was long and messy doesn’t mean that now we can’t look back and identify where the true Church really was. If we are not able, in hindsight, to do that, then we might well question what the purposes of the ecumenical councils even were.

Pastor Wedgeworth ends his article by saying “And it should be obvious to say that this truth is of more than academic value.”  Pastor Wedgeworth does not explain what he thinks the practical consequences of his thesis actually are, but it isn’t difficult to guess. By denying that the Church had any universal common faith, Wedgeworth has created the conceptual room needed to justify the kind of divisions that have become commonplace within Protestantism as well as the types of theological innovation that create these divisions in the first place. But I think the shoe is actually on the other foot. The fact that Church history has been such a messy affair is a vindication of an ecumenical church led by the Holy Spirit. It is confirmation of the miraculous nature of the Church and apostolic tradition that it has survived down to the present day.

Robin Phillips is the author of Saints and Scoundrels and a contributing editor for a number of publications, including Salvo MagazineTouchstone and the Chuck Colson Center. He is working on a Ph.D. in historical theology through King’s College, London and blogs at Robin’s Readings and Reflections.

An Easter Sermon for the Ages


This Sunday, Orthodox Christians around the world celebrated Christ’s resurrection.  As part of the Pascha (Easter) service,  Saint John Chrysostom’s Pascha (Easter) homily is read out loud in every Orthodox parish around the world. Thus, it can be said that it is the most famous Easter sermon.

John Chrysostom (c. 347-407), Patriarch of Constantinople, was known as the greatest preacher in the early Church.  He was given the name “Chrysostom” which means “golden mouth.”

Sermon Style

What is striking about John Chrysostom’s Easter sermon is how different it is from sermons given in Evangelical and Protestant churches today.  I found four significant differences.

The first difference is length.  It is less than 5 minutes!  Many Protestants and Evangelicals expect sermons at least half an hour in length.  The attached YouTube video is only 3:45 long.  But not all his sermons are that brief.

The second difference is rhetorical style.  Saint John used the rhetorical devices of ancient Greece.  One example is his use of anaphora, the repetition of one or more words at the head of consecutive phrases, clauses, or sentences.  He begins sentences with identical clauses or phrases: “If anyone . . . ,” “Let . . . ,” “It was embittered . . . ,” then he introduce a new thought in the second half of the sentence.    This generates a poetic rhythm pulsing throughout the sermon.  It ebbs and flows, then reaches a soaring climax.

The third difference is theological.  John Chrysostom’s sermon is based on Christus Victor The early Christians understood Christ’s death on the Cross as his encounter with powers of evil in which he emerged the winner.    Orthodoxy still holds to this theological paradigm.  In the West, however, it was displaced by the satisfaction theory promulgated by Anselm of Canterbury.  In Western theology, our sins have made us deserving of God’s righteous judgment, and Christ by dying on  the Cross has paid the penalty on our behalf.  In Orthodoxy, our sins have made us captive to the Devil, and Christ the Strong Man set us free from Death by his dying on the Cross and his third day resurrection.  Thus, Protestants hearing the Christus Victor emphasis in Chrysostom’s Easter Sermon need to keep in mind that this was not a personal idiosyncrasy of his, but indicative of the theological thinking of the early Church.

The fourth difference is the Eucharistic language.  Saint John’s Easter sermon is literally an “altar call,” in that he is exhorting his listeners to approach the altar where the bread and the wine have been consecrated becoming the Body and Blood of Christ.  The exhortation for the faithful to come forward to receive Holy Communion can be seen in: “The table is rich-laden; feast royally, all of you!”  In my experience, Evangelicals generally refrain from holding Holy Communion on Easter Sunday, even though it is the most logical thing to do.  The Apostle Paul wrote: “For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” (I Corinthians 11:26)

By listening to this classic sermon Evangelicals and Reformed Christians can gain a small glimpse into the worship experience of the early Church.


St. Ignatius Orthodox mission in Mesa AZ.  Click here.

St. Ignatius Orthodox mission in Mesa AZ. Click here.


Here is a YouTube video of an Orthodox priest reading out loud this classic sermon on Christ’s rising from the dead.  It is brief, to the point, and powerful.


Sermon Text
If anyone is devout and a lover of God, let him enjoy this beautiful and radiant festival.
If anyone is a wise servant, let him, rejoicing, enter into the joy of his Lord.
If anyone has wearied himself in fasting, let him now receive his recompense.
If anyone has labored from the first hour, let him today receive his just reward. If anyone has come at the third hour, with thanksgiving let him keep the feast. If anyone has arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings; for he shall suffer no loss. If anyone has delayed until the ninth hour, let him draw near without hesitation. If anyone has arrived even at the eleventh hour, let him not fear on account of his delay. For the Master is gracious and receives the last, even as the first; he gives rest to him that comes at the eleventh hour, just as to him who has labored from the first. He has mercy upon the last and cares for the first; to the one he gives, and to the other he is gracious. He both honors the work and praises the intention.
Enter all of you, therefore, into the joy of our Lord, and, whether first or last, receive your reward. O rich and poor, one with another, dance for joy! O you ascetics and you negligent, celebrate the day! You that have fasted and you that have disregarded the fast, rejoice today! The table is rich-laden; feast royally, all of you! The calf is fatted; let no one go forth hungry!
Let all partake of the feast of faith. Let all receive the riches of goodness.
Let no one lament his poverty, for the universal kingdom has been revealed.
Let no one mourn his transgressions, for pardon has dawned from the grave.
Let no one fear death, for the Saviour’s death has set us free.
He that was taken by death has annihilated it! He descended into hades and took hades captive! He embittered it when it tasted his flesh! And anticipating this Isaiah exclaimed, “Hades was embittered when it encountered thee in the lower regions.” It was embittered, for it was abolished! It was embittered, for it was mocked! It was embittered, for it was purged! It was embittered, for it was despoiled! It was embittered, for it was bound in chains!
It took a body and, face to face, met God! It took earth and encountered heaven! It took what it saw but crumbled before what it had not seen!
“O death, where is thy sting? O hades, where is thy victory?”
Christ is risen, and you are overthrown!
Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen!
Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice!
Christ is risen, and life reigns!
Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in a tomb!
For Christ, being raised from the dead, has become the First-fruits of them that slept.
To him be glory and might unto ages of ages. Amen.
Source:   OrthodoxWiki
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